THE AKHA : GUARDIANS OF THE FOREST」 Jim Goodman 1997年 TEAK HOUSE 洋書 英語 アカ族 東南アジア 少数民族 人文・社会
THE AKHA : GUARDIANS OF THE FOREST」 Jim Goodman 1997年 TEAK HOUSE 洋書 英語 アカ族 東南アジア 少数民族 人文・社会,The Kingdom of Green | 青幻舎 SEIGENSHA Art Publishing, Inc.,The Types of International Folktales. A Classification and Bibliography. Based on the System of Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson. Part III. Appendices ,Growing up in nature. Children's Forest by Takashige Yamashita Office | METALOCUS,The image on the left is from a Japanese mathematical “wasan 和算” text, showcasing grid-based calculations using “sangi算木” counting rods, a method greatly influenced by the Chinese SuànChóu 算籌 system. The upper